04 September 2008


... it is LATE. 

But I promised I'd write today, didn't I? Ach and merde. Okay well I will give a quick rundown.

So yesterday was the first day of classes. Jolly good! Latin at 9:30 with Anne-Marie Lewis was a party and a half. Or not. BUT Jyoti is in that class with me so I sat with her and a girl she'd met (Kate) so I had people to talk to. I feel a lot less nervous now because everyone in there looked petrified and I don't feel scared of Latin in the slightest. I figure if I can learn French...? It looks like it's going to be a lot of fun though. Professor Lewis is very charismatic. She came in the room speaking Latin to us. And she mentioned Caesar! I love her already of course.

10:30 was Classical Greek with Professor Allison Surtees. She seems very nice. The room (Ross N145) is huge and pretty as well. Too big - meanwhile my Latin classroom is cramped! Anyway we didn't stay long there - only half an hour - because Surtees let us out to go buy books. I already had mine, teehee. She kind of scared me a bit though. She's very straightforward and plainly told us that it would be a difficult course if we didn't keep up.

After Greek I kind of just chilled out under a tree outside and ate my lunch. I spent some time on the floor of Vari Hall before heading to my Myth and Imagination tutorial. Lo and behold, one of my professors - Dr. Fisher - leads my tutorial. Success! Good news. However he let us out after only fifteen minutes as opposed to two hours because we hadn't had a lecture yet. Still, he was very nice and told us a bit about the course and advised us to start reading Theogony by Hesiod.

I proceeded from Vanier to another tree under whcih I sat until I ventured to the library and getting NOTHING done (haha). Ashley texted me so I met her at the Student Centre and had a vitamin water. Can I just say, I LOVE vitamin water. But not the actual brand called Vitamin Water. I like the Aquafina Plus - it's not as syrupy, and Sakura in York Lanes sells it for $1.98 a bottle. A rival to Bubble Tea! Anyway, after Ashley finished her lunch we went to chill out at Vanier Field where we met Joey, a fourth-year from Ashley's college (Founders) who was very nice and funny. 

I headed back to the library until it was time for my lecture at 4:30. HUGE class. 425 people! Lecture hall was packed. Prof Fisher did the little introduction thing and was very humourous. He talked a bit about Theogony and about Pan (the god, not Peter's friend haha), and about the course obviously. I am very excited for it, it looks like it is going to be extremely fun.

I was finally done for the day, but exhausted. I got home rather late by my standards, and then took a shower after dinner, so it was probably 8:30ish when I started to take a look at my homework. The Greek really threw me for a loop. I panicked - a lot. The alphabet seemed easy enough but the accents and syllables... O_O 

Up until this morning I was worried, but then I went to the library (my history lecture didn't start until 11:30) and worked on the Greek and... I UNDERSTAND IT! I actually came home today and took notes from the lessons (for Latin as well) and it makes so much more sense. I guess I just needed to clear my mind. 

History lecture was alright. The syllabus is what I was expecting from a Social and Cultural History course. Interesting enough, I suppose. Better than 1010 anyway. I've heard enough about war and revolution from Rettig, thanks! After lecture I just kind of chilled out... ate lunch in Curtis after opting out of the YFS health plan, then spent the rest of my time in the library studying Latin and reading Theogony.

So it's been a good first two days, schoolwise. Personal lifewise, my life has really gone downhill. I don't even want to talk about it, but it just seems like some people are making excuses and becoming completely different people all of a sudden. People I can't trust for shit. I suppose I can't do anything about it, but today for the first time in my life I actually felt like I was completely alone in the world. It was not a nice feeling. I would have broken down if I was that type of person. 

In any case, I hope this passes. I'm kind of happy one moment but sad when I think about the way things are going outside of school. I shouldn't have to worry about other people and their decisions. Ice queen, come on!!! 

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