07 October 2008

We're gonna burn this city, burn this city...

Why do I have Franz Ferdinand in my head? I don't know. Classical music is playing right now (I am in York Lanes).

Feeling significantly better today as I actually got about six and a half hours of sleep as opposed to the three from Sunday night. Still I am ready to down this large coffee from this café which is steadily becoming a great place, except right now there are annoying people at the next table.

And an attractive scholarly one two tables away who is distracting me from this reading.

Yes haha I did not even read those thirty pages. Well I have about twelve left. I blame Mauro for turning up yesterday afternoon. It was nice though, we talked for about an hour. He had mono last week, bless him for soldiering on. He is actually a lot smarter than I originally thought.

Lecture yesterday for Myth (run by Fisher) was pretty excellent. Medea is pretty great, plus I was sitting with Natalia and of course with Michael (!) whom I am really enjoying! He is a classics nerd like me, it is nice to know that I am not alone.

Called Ray. Start training Friday afternoon. Ugh. Not looking forward to unpaid labour! Even if it is only training.

If I had money, though... I mean, right now... life would be a lot easier. Also I could move into an apartment in the Village for $150 a month with Edie and Anna. Maybe next year. I maintain that it would be highly convenient for me to live down here. 

Lecture in two hours. About the industrial revolution. Ahahaha fun... not at all. At least I finally bought that last book by Stephen Ash and finally have all I need for all my courses. 

Anyway I should get to this reading. Computers are distracting and I have to save my battery for lecture. 

P.S. Tudors tonight, yes!!

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