02 January 2009


I haven't updated in ages, I know. It's terrible.

Well, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. We are still on strike.


Things of note?
  • I am seeing Anna a lot and we are having great groovy times! 
  • I finished all my Latin for the term. Great success, but I still feel like my Latin and Greek are slowly trickling out of my brain everyday. 
  • I still haven't started my essay on the Iliad, but neither has Mike... that is a good excuse.
  • There were crazy awesome riots by the people against the government in Greece. And, of course, my sexy rebel anarchist boyfriend who is sexy and also FUCKING sexy (there is a difference between the two) participated in these from Thessaloniki. They lasted about twenty days, all very awesome things going on... uprising against the government by mostly the youth, the leftists, N-SYN and SYRIZA followers... all in memory of Alexis Grigoropoulos, a 15-year-old boy who was murdered by police. R.I.P., little buddy - I hope your heart smiled, wherever you were
  • Christmas was fun times all around. I really love my mother's family.
  • Thanks to Edie and Anna, I now own seasons 1 and 2 of Queer as Folk on DVD. 
  • I am not a virgin anymore. Shh. 
  • I finished Germinal. If I could cry, I would have cried. It was fucking amazing. 
I can't think of anything else. Oh, work at Subway is going pretty well. Money is fun. The Home Depot store is love, except that it's not very busy so the shifts feel a lot longer than six hours. 

Here's to a good 2009. York and CUPE are meeting tomorrow. Hopefully they'll figure shit out because I miss York a lot. A lot a lot a lot. 

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