16 September 2009

Good morning starshine, the earth says hello

As usual, I have been a crappy blogger. What else is new?

I'm not going to apologize, and instead will blame this on my Twitter account.


I do a lot of microblogging. Why is this? Because it is short, simple, instant. I feel like I am living life and commenting on it instead of plotting out what to say on a blog like this. HOWEVA. I am not abandoning you, ye olde bloge. I still love you, because I love things a lot this year.

School has obviously begun. I am VERY happy! Things have been going really great so far, and working on my day off/ a few hours on one other day of the week is awesome because it frees up my weekends. I'm on track with most of my work so far, even though having five courses/ thirty-three credits is slightly dizzying. I like everything so far though.

Second-year Latin is being taught by Professor Surtees, since Lewis is on sabbatical. I like Surtees so I'm happy with this. She's so sweet and we also started off with review of subjunctive, so we weren't just cast into a void of nothingness.

Second-year Greek is being taught by PROFESSOR MATTHEW CLARK, who is the CLAS/ CLST program coordinator, and who is EFFING AMAZING. Not only are we doing the ENTIRE Greek textbook over again, but he goes on these fascinating tangents about linguistics or Homeric epic and he is such a dear old man and he was in jail with Noam Chomsky. I really enjoy his class, and I'm actually going to meet with him on Friday for program-specific advising/ discussion.

History 2100 - that is, Ancient Greece and Rome - is fairly amazing so far. Professor Edmonson is so enthusiastic and British that I think he might explode during lectures. Professor Kelly hasn't lectured yet, but I have sat in on his lectures before. He's very pro-Augustan, but also hot, so I forgive. The readings are decent too. We're doing the Odyssey now, which I am less than thrilled about since I despise Homer, but the textbook on Ancient Greece we've got is ace. I'm still not too sure about my TA for this course though. He seems very stern and I don't think he likes me :( I miss Professor Fisher's tutorials!

Social Science 2600 - Introduction to the Study of Religion - hasn't given me much time to form an opinion on it. I've had one lecture (with a lovable jackass prof) and one tutorial (with a semi-lovable TA), both of which I enjoyed, but everything has been introductory so far so I can't say what I think. Though the textbooks are pretty interesting (though bloody fucking expensive!).

Humanities 3110 is likely my favourite course this year. Roman Culture and Society. And I love my course director (I call him that as I don't think he's a prof yet). He's really young and excited about what he's teaching and I love that SO much. Plus the books we read are wicked. I think I have to read about Sulla and Pompey for tomorrow's class?

Other than school, not much has been going on. Anna is in Scotland. I've been spending too much money. I've been working on taking over the presidency of the Classical Studies Students' Association. No big deal. Haha.

Yeah so I guess that's it. Got to go forage for friends right now as I'm not sure where Mike is, and we have HIST 2100 tutorial in forty-five minutes!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

parents informed me i couldnt apply last year and that i was going back for another year. soooooooo thats how that went over