17 November 2008


This strike is really getting in the way of good blogging. Mostly because I just don't have anything to talk about anymore.

Saw Bond Friday. Was brilliant. Love it. Fantastic.

Was a bit overshadowed by the problems I've been having with Peter though. It's a sordid tale of mistakes, drugs, alcoholism, and possibly prostitutes. Oy. I think everything is okay now though. Maybe. 

I worked this weekend. I realized that I love the Caledon East store on the 9-3 shift. Because yesterday I worked 12-7 at the Bolton store and it was the Shift of Death. I wanted to fucking kill myself. But of course, I didn't.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ah, dear leah. i havent read your blogs in a while, missed them. but i shall get up to date dont you worry. haha love you :)