31 May 2009

Shane Fair

I figured I would leave a blog post until tomorrow since I planned to do absolutely nothing today, but I wonder when I will have time since I am apparently going to Hall with Tara tomorrow, and I start work on Tuesday (!).

Before I go into anything trivial though, I will stop to have a paragraph of... er... mourning? Well, I don't know.

A York student, 19-year-old Shane Fair, went missing two weeks ago after the Calumet College Formal. York was in a panic. Signs up everywhere and most people paying attention - myself included - wanted so badly for him to be found safe and sound. We weren't so lucky. His body was pulled from Lake Ontario last night.

I didn't know Shane, but I am devastated. It feels so empty when a whole group of people has banded together to hope for something and all hopes are suddenly dashed.

Rest in peace, buddy.

In other news:
  • Yesterday was Emilio's Confirmation party, which went insanely well. Joe's food was top notch and everyone enjoyed themselves. I even had too much to drink, but it still wasn't enough.
  • I got an A+ in Ancient Greek as a final grade. Yeah, I know. Completely unexpected.
  • I dropped off my uniform at Subway and picked up my last cheque. Official severing of all ties complete!
  • I packed up all my first-year books and stored them in the basement. Will need a few of them again next year though.
I think that's it.

I feel sad.


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