21 April 2009

This is going to be a bad week.

I know this because Tyler knows this.

Haha I kid.

It's not going to be very nice though.

Getting my wisdom teeth out.
Getting my period.
Zio Amarino died yesterday.
My favourite jeans are tight.
I failed yesterday's Greek quiz.
Peter and I got into a massive fight last night.
I'm in love.
The weather fucking sucks.
I have too much reading to do for history.
I don't have a summer job yet.
Latin is becoming incomprehensible.
Alterna's bank machine is not working so I cannot deposit my paycheque or withdraw money, which I need to eat lunch, and also to pay for a fucking chai latte because I fucking want one. Fuck fuckity fuck fuck.

I need therapy.

Or a hug.

Or someone to torture with some nice hurty things for an hour or so.

This sucks mostly because last week was so excellent. Weather was beautiful, I finished the Aeneid, finished the Latin paper, no Latin class Wednesday, no Greek class Friday, skipped Wednesday's myth lecture because of a guest speaker and just enjoyed my friends, Lost was wicked cool, I slept a bit more than usual (except for Wednesday, I was up til 2 a.m. that night which was uber fun).

There are I think five weeks left of classes, and then exams (speaking of which, the schedule is up today, thanks for reminding me... yes, I just thanked myself). I can't wait til this is over. It was a good year, sure, but tumultuous. Really fucked up. Between all the emotional crap and the fucking strike, I am getting a little annoyed by now. It's hard to still have such a long way to go when some people are actually already DONE.

...then I will do it all over again starting June 8. Tralala summer school. At least it's just one course.

Also I figure it's worth mentioning that Peter wrote his exams last week and probably got into A.U.Th. Good for him. He wanted me to help pick his courses. I spent a lot of time trying to understand the Greek university system just to help him out but now that probably does really mean shit all.


Bright sunshiney day. NOT.

Fuck you.

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