18 October 2008


Everybody's working for the weekend.


Well this is a good weekend so far, I think. Friday was an interesting day... I know I fucked up the Latin test. I was more worried yesterday... I've gotten over it by now. I am allowed to mess up two tests without it really having an adverse effect on my GPA. There was just one section that threw me for a loop, for sure. I dunno... a bit nervous, of course.

Greek was good. I love how small that class is, because we can joke and laugh sometimes. We randomly started talking about 300 when we encountered the verb "apoleipein" (to abandon). I got my last two quizzes back as well; 96% on adjectives, 100% on the surprise vocab. Nice! Still have an A+ there haha.

After class I chilled with Natalia, had lunch, and then headed to the Student Centre to get some notes done for The Iliad. I sat down in Treats with a small French vanilla and a peanut butter chocolate chip cookie and went through the first couple of books again. I also bought a volcano taco from Taco Bell because they are great... ate that while waiting for Dad.

Did only a bit of homework when I got home. Tara contacted me at about 6ish (she just had a Reading Week from Nipissing and so was in town) and asked if I wanted to go see a film with her. So we went to Empire for a 7:30 showing of Max Payne. It was pretty good... a little confusing, lots of angry men with guns, typical action really. Took a photo with a James Bond poster. And we got the student deal... admission itself is usually about ten bucks, but for around eleven (including tax) we got admission, regular popcorn, and regular drink just because we showed our university ID cards. 

We got out of the movie at about 9:15, and that was a little early so we went to gallivant around Walmart for a bit before heading home. It was nice to see Tara again, and nice to GET OUT OF THE HOUSE. I felt a little bad for the way I did it - I literally said to Mom and Dad, "Tara's picking me up and we're going to see a film, bye." But I just HAD to do it. Or I'd go mad. Usually I'm depressed Saturdays and today I am not; it's probably because I actually went out last night. I'm heeding Barry's advice, really. 

AND I haven't called Subway. Because they haven't called me. And I really don't want to work. Fuck 'em all!

Today we just cleaned a bit and then I started on my homework. Finished up until Book Three of The Iliad, wrote a short paper on part one of A Year in the South for Colin's tutorial, and am now working on flash cards for Latin and Greek.

These flash cards are really a headache though. I'm coding them according to part of speech and chapter... very very tedious. Time consuming. And sooo many cards. I have nowhere near enough. This weekend I want to do 10 chapters worth for Latin and 7 for Greek. That requires about 450. I think I have 200ish. I'll run out soon so I need to finish them tomorrow. Hahaha.

So... yeah. Because I went out yesterday I think I'm okay spending the weekend doing homework. :)

Okay... maybe not. Oh well. Such is life. 

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