27 October 2008

I laugh

Wow, I don't post very often anymore do I?

Well, what is there to say. School is school, classes are classes, my friends are my friends, Dio is Dio, and life is life (which means that life is shit). 

Wedding Saturday. Joe and Sandra. Fun. Got drunk. Not drunk enough. But it will do for now.

Peter's in the hospital. Alcohol poisoning. Had a seizure and they couldn't wake him. He's fine now, but I am ultra-pissed and mega-worried. 

Finished the history essay. Very relieved.

A lot of Latin homework. And a midterm next Monday. Ach. 

Working Saturday probably. Miserable. I really want to go back to Taco Bell - never thought I'd say that. 

Yeah that's pretty much it. I've got to get back to work... read Book 9 of the Iliad and then get started on either Greek or Latin. Probably Greek first... it's easier. 

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