15 September 2008

Burn Out

Today was one of the most exhausting days of my life. Despite the fact that we were up early yesterday morning and spent the whole day at Nonno and Nonna's making sauce and then eating a meal together, I just couldn't fall asleep last night. Result? Twelvish hours of sleep over 48 hours. NOT what I'm used to. 

I only vaguely remember today. I had a Greek quiz and I'm sure I aced it. I feel a little bad because Dionysos asked me for help over the weekend and I did all I could for him but I think he was still confused by all the grammatical terms being in Latin (i.e. ultima, antepenult, etc). Hopefully he did alright. He is a really nice guy. I've said it before but I'm so happy that there are REAL people at university. 

Humanities lecture was hilarious - Tordoff ran it again, of course. He's got such an energy about him... a real zeal for teaching this stuff. I hope that if I DO end up getting my PhD and becoming a professor I can be like him. 

Tomorrow is a History Day. YES. I will see Colin, my love forever. Unfortunately I still don't have my textbooks. Bah!

Bedtime now. Hopefully I'll drift off quickly. I don't think I can handle another day of exhaustion.

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